Social Service for School

On the 30th July of 2011, from 8AM to 2PM, a social service for our beloved school was held. The recent social service was to re-paint the lines for the teachers' parking lot and to re-paint the poles inside the school compound but due to some changes we, interactors, were asked to just re-paint the lines for the teachers' parking lot.

At 8AM, the attendance was taken and estimated 20 interactors attended this social service. Puan Wee Lian Lui and Puan Siska joined us and guided us in the social service. We worked together by drawing lines on the road using chalks, sticking tapes on the lines drawn, and etc.

Pictures above : Interactors drawing lines on the road.

It took less than two hours to draw the lines and stick the tapes on the drawn line. Though there were difficulties in attempt of drawing straight lines on the road for there were no proper equipments but thanks to the cooperative interactors, this problem was overcalmed.

All of us were excited to re-paint the lines we have drawn with yellow paint especially made for road painting. The paint was mixed through before the painting session started. We took turns to paint. The first batch of painters painted a few parking blocks while the others took their break. When done, the next batch of painters took over the first badge of painters.

Paint mixed thoroughly and divided among interactors.

Pictures above : Interactors cooperating with each other by taking turns in painting.


The interactors worked efficiently and it did not take long for the painting to be done. However, one of the teacher incharged of the school's choir team car was left parked in school, therefore, there was left only one more parking spot to paint which will be done on the following week.

Around lunch time, the painting session was done. Puan Wee, the advisor of SFC's Interact Club then proposed to give us a treat at a nearby restaurant namely 'Aladdin'. A shot of the interactors, joined by the advisors of the SFC Interact Club was also taken at the re-painted parking lot as a launch of the activity.
Interactors pointing to the newly painted lines on the teachers' parking lot.

We were glad we could contribute even in such a small amount of contribution to the school by participating in this social service. We hope that we can contribute more to the school by holding more activities such like this. Gratitiude and appreciation to Puan Pang for giving us this opportunity and to advising teachers for having the initiative to join us in this activity and for the treat.


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