Appreciation Lunch 2017

An appreciation lunch especially meant for our senior Interactors of 2016 was held on the 4th of March, 2017 at Avangio Hotel, Metrotown. The event started at around 9.00 a.m. The form 5 Interactors of 2017, arrived a few hours in advance to set up the place, complete little touch-ups and rehearse.

The day started off with speeches by teacher advisors, Ms. Wee and Ms. Siska as well as our past and current presidents, Dana Dumpangol and Nur Hidayah respectively. Everything that was spoken by them were truly heart-warming. I'm sure we all believe that it has always been a blessingfor having your hard works acknowledged and what more, appreciated.

After what seemed like a long wait, everyone finally got to barge in with the buffet provided that we just can't seem to get our eyes and mind off. All tables were full of loaded plates and cups. We even had refills of some dishes! 

One of our tables actually looked like this!

Performance was prepared for everyone, especially the seniors to watch while enjoying their scrumptious meal

They were super good 👌👍

We played games too to keep the day entertained and we sure had a ton of laughter! The pictures will say a lot ;)

Everyone ended their day with a big smile and a heart filled with gratitude!

Nothing would have ever been possible without the two of them!


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