Interact Board of Directors Training 2017

Interact Board of Directors training is annually organized by Rotary Club Kota Kinabalu with the intention to guide every director into responsible and reliable leaders. It was also to ensure each of us understand and are able to carry out the roles of our respective posts.   

This year’s BOD training was held on the 22nd of April, 2017 at Sabah Credit Corporation. We were grouped according to the colour of ribbon that each of us got, when registering ourselves upon reaching the venue. Starting off the day, we danced along to a cute chinese song and a creative ice-breaking. We were told to stand on our chairs and without falling, arrange ourselves according to our birth dates and for the second round, to arrange ourselves according to the first alphabet of our names. Whew what an effort to move from chair to chair with someone standing on them! Our day definitely started in the most intriguing way ever.

The event went ahead with speeches and talks regarding leadership, motivations and achieving excellence by different rotarians. Talks specifically for secretaries regarding jotting down minutes during meetings, presidents, vice presidents and treasurer were kindly given too.

In the previous year, there was one particular talk given by Rotarian Iskandar, that touched everyone’s hearts and this year, it was his daughter, Rotarian Fia Iskandar, who had given a talk that was specially moving and motivating. She taught us that we have to know and understand our vocation and not only the vocation as an Interact Club’s director but generally, your vocation in life. 

        A big thanks to Rotary Club Kota Kinabalu for giving us the opportunity to have our minds and hearts opened by this meaningful event. It definitely helped me to grow into a better person overall and I’m sure the same goes to the rest. We went home with loaded spirit to strive for the better and be the best version of ourselves, which is also for the betterment of all :)  


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