To say that we were nervous for this event would be an understatement.

To give you some insight, our school has won overall in this event for the past two years and if we had won three years in a row, we would win a trophy that no other school has won before and that is the Challenge Trophy. As this is the final year in our three year streak, the pressure that we had was greater than ever and we had planned for this day to no end. This is the most anticipated event of the year INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING DAY  2018 and we are here to claim the title that we longed for.

We had chosen this year's country to be ITALY. According to our history in our club we had found that not many of our seniors had chosen to represent a European country and felt that it was fitting to pick something out of the ordinary.

Now lets see a few pictures showing how we got there:


The junior Info Department
Painting parts of the history of Italy on tiles for our info board with Chloe, Head of Info Department and Janice, Head of Souvenir Department

Badges that we sold in our stall

Rabiahtul, head of the food department with the menu that she made herself

Tarot cards that became the head piece for our stall
The making of the Colosseum
Final words with all the members before moving all the pieces 

The night before IU Day
Then came the day that we had worked our heads of for.

This year, all schools came with their game face on with our school representing ITALY, Stella Maris representing RUSSIA, All Saints representing THAILAND, La Salle representing SPAIN, KK High representing SRI LANKA, Lok Yuk representing GREECE, SMK Perempuan Likas representing HUNGARY, Maktab Sabah representing INDONESIA and lastly, SMK Sapulut representing MALAYSIA.

And as part of promoting about this event, we had all our members to post the posters that we had made to officially announce the country that we chose alongside the products that we had made to sell online all over Instagram with the tag #sfcvaitalia

Posters made by our Publicity Director

Two of our dancers, Melvaline and Joey holding the Italy Flag

The event was held at the main ground floor area in Suria Sabah on the 8th April 2018 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm and started with the judging for Best Food, Best Information and Best Stall. The Rotarians and judges came to our stall to be welcomed by the all the dancers and models presented at the entrance where we sang the National Anthem of Italy or "Il Canto Degli Italiani" 

Dancers in front of our stall
View of our stall from the 1st floor
Pn Wee and Pn Siska along with Food Department members awaiting the judges
After the judging

Then came the second part of the day where models and dancers compete in the categories of Best Costume and Best Dance. We had 4 models to model the traditional costume from all parts of the country while narrated by Crystal and Chloe, members of the Info Department to explain the origins and details of each costume.


Now for the dance that was choreographed by the talented, Fatyha ;
There is a link to the video of the full dance here

With that, to conclude the whole event, it was time for the results for all the categories

1st SMK ST Francis Convent
2nd SM Stella Maris
3rd SM Lok Yuk
Best Booth
1st SMK St Francis Convent
2nd SMK Stella Maris
3rd SM Lok Yuk
Best Info
1st SMK St Francis Convent
2nd SM Lok Yuk
3rd SM Stella Maris
Best Dance
1st  SMK St Francis Convent
2nd Maktab Sabah
3rd SM Stella Maris
Best Costume
1st SM La Salle
2nd SM Stella Maris
3rd SMK St Francis Convent
Best Food
1st SM All Saints
2nd SM Lok Yuk
3rd SM Stella Maris

This year's IU Day will place a mark in history of a school ever winning for 3 years in a row. Our results truly show the results of our hardwork and time that we have sacrifice for the one day that we get to pour our hearts out. The days where we literally poured our blood, sweat and tears cannot we compare to the amount of joy that we felt in that moment when we received that trophy. And to any members reading this, thank you so much for making our dreams turn into a reality, and hopefully we have given you an experience that you'll bring with you forever. <3 p="">

Now you may feast your eyes upon CHAMPIONS

Group picture of all the members

Deco Department

Info Department

Dance Team

Interact Club President of 2016, 2017 and 2018 holding the Challenge Trophy
Three generations of Interact Club in one picture 

Will we have the same fate next year? Its up to the junior members now ;) Good luck for 2019!!!


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