Appreciation Lunch 2018

Its tradition that the current BOD hosts an appreciation lunch for our beloved seniors and this year its was held in Avangio Hotel, Metrotown. The BODs 2018, helped prepare several things like table decorations and brownies that our President, Josephine had made, alongside setting up the slides that were made by Chloe and Crystal and lastly a performance by Eylia and Dyan.

The event started when all the seniors came and we allowed them to catch up with each other for awhile. Our teacher advisors Teacher Wee and Teacher Siska, officiated the lunch by giving a speech that ran along the same theme of how the previous went and their hopes of the future of the club. After that our past President of the Interact Club 2017, Hidayah to give her speech as an insight of how her experience was in our club for the past year. And lastly, we had a speech by our current President, Josephine, on her hopes for our club this year, alongside with announcing our country that we planned to do for IU Day this year, which is ITALY.

Various activities were held after we had our lunch including, musical chairs, limbo and even showing the movie, Coco that was made by Disney about Mexican culture, a coincidence that we represented Mexico for IU Day the previous year. We are ever so grateful for the efforts that the seniors went through that had taught us to be able to take on this year and this lunch is a representation of that. Now that we are the seniors for this year, we can only hope that everything that we've taught the juniors will not be taken in vain.


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